Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jill Filipovic Responds to Michael Moore's Dismissal of Julian Assange Rape Charges as 'Hooey'

By not responding?

These are serious allegation, no?
Withdrawal of consent should be grounds for a rape charge (and it is, in Sweden) — if you consent to having sex with someone and part of the way through you say to stop and the person you’re having sex with continues to have sex with you against your wishes, that’s rape.

So you'd think Ms. Filipovic would really lay into Michael Moore's dismissal of the charges against Assange? Not. She just wants Moore to establish a "
Free Bradley Manning" fund to help "the little guys" who aren't getting raped all the media attention. It's open season on Naomi Wolf, however. (Down with this, it turns out: "Some Shit I’m Sick of Hearing Regarding Rape and Assange.") But sheesh, even Lame-ieux gets it.

RELATED: John Hawkins, "
Julian Assange and Bradley Manning: Liberal Hypocrisy On Rape And Torture," and R.S. McCain, "Merry Christmas, America: Feminists Attack Michael Moore as ‘Rape Apologist’ Over Swedish Case Against Julian Assange." And at Mediaite, "Olbermann Refuses To Correct Treatment Of Assange Rape Allegations On Twitter." (Via Memeorandum.)

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