Sunday, December 19, 2010

Leftist MNA Amir Khadir Boycotts Quebec Store That Sells Israeli-Made Shoes

At Blazing Catfur, "Muslim Attempts to Turn Montreal Into Nazi Shithole." And at Vlad Tepes, "Muslims Harrass Montreal Shoe Shop for Selling Israeli Shoes."

What's unreal is this guy's a member of the Quebec National Assembly. See, "MNA Khadir urges boycott of shoe store." And "
MNA Amir Khadir Unapologetic for Picketing Store That Sells Israeli-Made Shoes."
Yves Archambault, owner of Le Marcheur, said he was "sickened" to learn his own MNA was picketing his store.

"I was sickened to see him distributing flyers and stopping people who were coming into the store to tell them they shouldn't support a business that sells Israeli products," Archambault said.

"In Quebec we have free enterprise, and as long as it is legal, nobody has the right to tell me what I can and cannot sell in my store," he said.

Archambault said he is "completely apolitical" and does not follow politics here or abroad. He admits he had no idea who Khadir was, until some of his employees told him.

He said he feels personally attacked by the picketers, and Khadir's participation has made it worse.
More here: "Amir Khadir is the only member of the Quebec Parliament representing the separatist Quebec Solidaire political party, which is distinguished from the Parti Quebecois by being much more left wing, extreme and militant."

Video c/o Blazing Catfur:

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