Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Progressives and Obama's Tax Cut Deal

There's talk of progressive defection from the Democrat coalition in 2012, but I guess the alternative isn't too appealing: "Some People Are Ready to Vote for a Caribou Killer in 2012, If Necessary." That said, maybe Obambi'll be primaried in 2012? I used to totally discount the possibility. Now not so much. See, Mara Liasson, "Democrats Frustrated Over Obama Tax Deal With GOP," Jennifer Rubin, "The Democrat Blame Game," Katrina vanden Heuval, "Obama: On the way to a failed presidency?", and Dave Dayen, "President Lashes Out at the Left: “This Country Was Founded on Compromise”."

And especially, Matt Bai (FWIW), "
Murmurs of Primary Challenge to Obama" (via Memeorandum).

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