Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tensions in Orange County Jewish Community Erupt

From Reut Cohen, at Pajamas Media.

I don't really see a brief passage worth quoting, so folks'll have to RTWT. I can say though that an allegedly "pro-Israel" Jewish student group is really no friend of Israel if it believes it can promote "interfaith understanding" with the likes of the International Solidarity Movement. And that's what's going on at base, along with the controversies and reactions to developments by the wider community.

RELATED: I just plugged "International Solidarity Movement Mavi Marmara" into
Google, which gives you an indication of what I'm taking about.

Plus, at FrontPage Magazine, "
Solidarity With Terror" (on the ISM). And, "Jews for Jihad? Hillel does interfaith with the Hamas linked Muslim Student Association" (on Hillel). But see, "Rutgers Hillel: Rutgers University Organization Funding Illegal Gaza Flotilla."

No time for more research. UC Irvine Hillel needs to think through these relationships, and thus I'm on the side of the wider O.C. Jewish community here.

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