Monday, February 14, 2011

Alex Knepper Creepy-Crawls CPAC

Some folks might recall last year's epic Alex Knepper takedown at NewsReal Blog: "David Frum and His Pro-Pedophile Protege Alex Knepper." I wasn't involved in the investigation, although knowing Alex Knepper, I did write about it at the time. And recall a couple of weeks ago I had a Facebook exchange with Knepper. The pro-pedophile faux-conservative lashed out, calling me a "malicious cunt." He deleted the thread, but by then I'd saved it. Months later, Knepper's still blaming others for an alleged smear campaign that destroyed his reputation. No doubt he's got psychiatric issues, but that's for medical professionals to sort out. Be that as it may, I can report that Knepper is one creepy dude in person. David Swindle, Editor of NewsReal Blog, informed me that Knepper was making the rounds at CPAC. I didn't think much of it, but on Saturday night I saw the pro-pedo man-boy monster up in the bloggers' lounge, and I called him out: "Hey Knepper, are you going to call me a mendacious asshole, or something?" I was actually looking for "malicious cunt" but it escaped me temporarily. But no matter. Knepper erupted into a genuine fit of horror upon seeing me. He screamed, "No ... no way!" And I said to him, "Shake my hand, Alex." But he pulled back, waving me off, "No ... no way. Get away from me. NOOOOO!! Just get away from me." And I said once more, "C'mon, shake my hand, Knepper." And then I looked at his face. He seemed, well, in that moment, a victim, which is disturbing, considering his imminent predations. I wanted to spit on him, at the least. But I walked back out of the lounge to get some refreshments. It all seemed strange, even funny; and then outside the lounge, a fellow pulled me aside and thanked me for confronting Knepper, saying "That guy is a sh*thole."

That said, I wasn't thrilled that Knepper'd parked himself in the bloggers' lounge. He's a creepy crawler, and I didn't care to be around him. My camera settings were screwed up the whole conference (my bad), but
here's a blurry shot of Knepper scowling at me not long after our confrontation. And shortly after that he sat down right in front of me. I couldn't believe it, actually. And I wasn't comfortable. My camera was sitting on the table. I tilted it up a bit a clicked a picture. He was with a group of friends who had sat down near the bloggers seated next to me. Notice my laptop at the picture below, at left. Sitting there is Steven Ertelt of Next to Steven, partially obscured is Dana Loesch. And sitting next to her, talking on a cell phone, is Regis Giles, of "Girls Just Want to Have Guns" and younger sister to Hannah Giles. (Regis Giles' CPAC interview is here). Chris Loesch, husband to Dana, is seated at the end of the table. Jeff Dunetz of Yid With Lid is standing at right, with his left arm raised. Alex Knepper's back is to me in the foreground. Out of view is Tania Gail, who was seated next to me.



By this time I wasn't feeling well --- and it was time to go, in any case. No need to say anything more. If folks had known of Alex Knepper, I doubt they'd have wanted to hang with a guy who's publically declared his lust for "chilfs" ("children I'd like to f**k").

I'd have preferred to wind things down on a lighter note, but I suppose something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.

RELATED: "Axis of Pedophilia: Former Conservative David Frum Protests 'Vicious, Invasive and Outrageous' Bullying While Cutting Loose Pervy Protégé Alex Knepper."

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