Monday, February 14, 2011

Robert Stacy McCain Video Ambushed at CPAC!

This is pretty freaky, actually. It's been what, almost three months since Robert's "You buy the ticket, you take the ride" comment regarding the Julian Assange rape allegations. And Tommy Christopher's been waiting up late at night, every night, for this very moment! See, "Conservative Blogger RS ‘The Other’ McCain Apologizes for Rape Remarks."

And here's Robert's post, "
I Didn’t Rape Tommy Christopher":

You wouldn’t know that, given the way he has obsessively hounded me over a single blog post I wrote in December when Julian Assange was arrested. Recognizing that my attempts to clarify were a violation of the First Law of Holes, I posted my mea culpa, dropped the subject and moved on, but Tommy remains fixated. He even brought his Mediaite camera into the smoking area at CPAC to do an “ambush” interview.

More at the link.

Strange fixation. But then, CPAC had a lot of strangeness, come to think of it.

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