Monday, February 14, 2011

Democrats Spin Victory Out of CPAC

That's Haley Barbour below, during his speech at the Marriott Ballroom. I wasn't really listening all that closely, since it was hard to hear the speeches from the bloggers' lounge. I'm personally not betting on him to be a force in the GOP primaries. Barbour can raise the dough but his attractivness as a national candidate remains to be seen. We could say that about a lot of the Republican presidential hopefuls, and progressives are banking on that.

RELATED: At The Hill, "
Democrats Claim Political Victory From CPAC" (via Memeorandum):


Democrats and President Obama gathered the most momentum from this past weekend's gathering of conservative activists, the party claimed Monday.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) sought to spin the now-concluded Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in their own favor, releasing a web video framing the Republicans who spoke at CPAC -- including a number of possible presidential candidates -- as focused on issues from the past.

"The biggest winners coming out of CPAC were Democrats and the president, as it is clear, based on the presentations there, that Republicans have no message and nothing to offer the public accept re-fighting the political and legislative battles - battles they have already lost," DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse wrote in an email about the new video.
More at the link and CNN:

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