Thursday, April 28, 2011



Maybe Obama should have stayed away from the issue after all. For a while I thought it was a clever move, cutting-Trump-off-at-the-pass kinda thing. But rather than letting go, folks are doubling down with a vengeance. Here's Pamela letting loose on Eric Bolling's yesterday:

Meanwhile, Soros-funded Media Matters is freaking out, "Right-Wing Media Hype Conspiracies About Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate." Okay, but if you're gonna slam the right wing at least get some World Net Daily in there? Those dudes are in total overdrive, for example, Bob Unruh, "Obama document still doesn't answer all questions," and Jerome Corsi, "What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?" And come to find out Corsi's got a new book coming out, Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.

And stranger still is that for all of Media Matters' huffing and puffing about the "evil" right wing noise machine, it's progressives who've been even more obsessed with birtherism. See NewsBusters, "Study: MSNBC and CNN Covered 'Birther' Issue Far More Than Fox News" (via Instapundit). And don't even get me going about Salon! That Justin Elliott's really got his hands full now, LOL!!

Ha! You ain't seen nothin' yet!

Yo, Tavis Smiley! What you got, brotha?!!

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