Monday, April 25, 2011

Gay Marriage Advocates Threaten Rule of Law

This is not new, actually.

I wrote at length about the extreme progressive thuggery in California upon the passage of Proposition 8 in 2008. And Michelle Malkin had outstanding coverage of the legal challenges to the initiative in federal court, for example: "The anti-Prop. 8 mob strikes again." (And breaking, as I write this: "California Judge's Partner Cited in Push to Uphold Same-Sex Marriage Ban.")

So what's interesting today about the latest gay marriage news is how progressive thuggery is once again driving developments in this controversial area of civil rights. The left can't win on the merits, so we get extremist cries of bigotry enforced by intimidation in order to carry the day.

The main story's at New York Times, "Law Firm Won’t Defend Marriage Act."

It turns out that Atlanta-based law firm King & Spalding caved to leftist intimidation and withdrew from representation. And in a very interesting development, former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement (pictured) resigned from the firm to protest its craven political correctness. Commentary at Althouse, Legal Insurrection, National Review, and Wall Street Journal.

Clement's letter is here.

And at Weekly Standard, "Gay Rights Group Contacted Law Firm's Clients in Campaign to Intimidate DOMA's Defenders":

King and Spalding's vague reason for dropping the case is that its vetting process was "inadequate," but Republicans are accusing the firm of putting "politics and profit" first. Indeed, the Human Rights Campaign, the country's leading gay rights activist group, took credit for applying the "pressure points" needed to "make it happen."

In addition to its public efforts, the Human Rights Campaign "contacted many of the firm's clients" as part of its campaign against King and Spalding, according to the email sent on behalf of HRC vice president Fred Sainz. The email doesn't provide details about what HRC officials said to King and Spalding's clients, and a spokesman for HRC could not be reached for comment ...
Check the link for the full intimidation e-mail from Human Rights Campaign.

Also, at Power Line, "THE LEFT POLITICIZES THE PRACTICE OF LAW" (via Memeorandum):
When a major law firm like King & Spalding puts politics above its duty of loyalty to its client, it is a sad day for our profession and for our country.

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