Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Conservative Blogger John Hugh Gilmore Arrested in Muslim Hijab Altercation

The background's at AmericaBlog, "GOP blogger arrested at Netroots Nation for allegedly harassing two female bloggers for wearing Muslim head scarves in public. Women don hijabs and hold flash mob at right-wing blog conference to protest."

The guy's name is John Hugh Gilmore, of the Minnesota Conservative blog. The arrest sheet is here. And here's the flash mob:

Robert Stacy McCain was at Right Online and he reports, "Disorderly Conduct at Right Online?":

I have never met Gilmore and, until I saw this story, had never heard of him or his blog. The “hijab flash mob” appears to have been a provocative stunt by the Left — at one point, these women came to Right Online trying to waylay Herman Cain — and I regret that any conservative would allow himself to be provoked, which served only the purposes of the provocateurs.
The left goes around looking for trouble, exploiting the very stereotypes they allegedly decry. It's pretty bad, pathetic even. But when you got noting but bankrupt collectivism, you gotta try to generate some sympathy one way or another.

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