Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jon Stewart on 'Fox News Sunday'

This is an amazingly testy interview. Jon Stewart gets visibly angry, repeatedly. And kudos to Chris Wallace for keeping cool. I read over the weekend that Jon Stewart lashed out at Wallace, calling him "insane." And he did:

At Part 2 Stewart claims that Fox News has "the most consistently misinformed media viewers." And this has created a huge war over truth claims online. Steve Benen, at Washington Monthly, hopped on Stewart's claim faster than Anthony Weiner hitting the delete key: "The ‘most consistently misinformed media viewers’." I thought Benen's response typically opportunistic, but not serious, because political science shows a huge level of political non-sophistication among the American population. But lefties hate Fox News, so that was ammo for the battle. And then along came PolitiFact, which called out Stwart: "Jon Stewart says those who watch Fox News are the 'most consistently misinformed media viewers'." (At Memeorandum.)

Anyway, "Hammering" Jane Hamsher actually fact-checks PolitiFact, or she dictionary-checks, lamely claiming that Stewart didn't really say Fox viewers were misinformed when he said they were the most consistently misinformed, or something.

Anyway, see also Da Tech Guy, "Jon Stewart and Irony Overload," and Lonely Conservative, "Politifact: Jon Stewart’s Claim Fox News Viewers ‘Most Consistently Uninformed’ Is False."

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