Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Follow-Up on Congressman Allen West

Allen West was scheduled for a Monday fundraiser in the O.C. this week, but the event was cancelled due to the ongoing budget negotiations in Washington. West is tentatively committed to an October fundraiser, so I'm crossing my fingers for that. He's a good man and it was my honor to meet him at CPAC last February.

Rep. Allen West

So following up on my post last night, "Rep. Allen West Slams Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Over 'Vile' Comments on Floor of House of Representatives."

The Hill has this, "Wasserman Schultz brushes off West email." (At Memeorandum.)

One the things I admire about Allen West is his willingness to stand up to progressive abuse. At town hall meetings he's challenged malicious attackers, people making false allegations of "racism," etc. He's repeatedly rebuked the left's thuggery and violent intimidation. And you know what, people don't like that he's standing up. In response to West's Wasserman Schultz smackdown, James Joyner posts a tiny little hit piece, "Allen West is an Embarrassment." James uses West's Iraqi interrogation incident to take a cheap shot, writing:
Somehow, he persuaded people that he was a war hero and rode that to Congress–despite the local Veterans of Foreign Wars endorsing his opponent.

You don't get elected to Congress without the approval of the voters, and West's rigorous bearing must have satisfied his constituents. West has taken responsibility for his actions and said he'd do what the moment required if faced with the same circumstances today. That's called integrity in my book.

Meanwhile, the boys at Outside the Beltway take cheap shots from the bleachers, while the terrorists abroad and progressives at home slap high fives at the useful idiots doing their bidding.

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