Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tolerance of Islam

I'm telling you, this lady's good, via Blazing Cat Fur, "'Overall, there is substantial evidence which indicates that 9/11 was perpetrated by American neoconservatives'":

She had me fooled last time I posted her stuff. Shoot, I thought she was serious about "Millionaires and Billionaires." Well, that's okay. We all make mistakes. My bad. Good satire fools people. And speaking of neoconservatives, a long while back I wrote a hilarious but preposterously absurd essay, "A Neoconservative Hate Crimes Prevention Act."

I'm busting up just reading this again! I wrote:

Congress must act now to pass a Neoconservative Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

Such legislation should give federal authorities increased capabilities to engage in hate crimes investigations against those motivated by left-wing hatred who intend to cause injury or death to neoconservatives. Such legislation should give the FBI power to gather data on progressive-leftists who excoriate neoconservative activists, writers, and organizations. Additional provisions could include federal grants to local agencies to investigate groups fomenting hate crimes against neoconservatives. Additionally, such legislation should include a concealed-carry provision allowing neoconservatives to carry handguns for self-protection; and the legislation should allow for the interstate transfer of weapons from one state to another in accordance with concealed carry laws. Recent proposed amendments to the Matthew Shepard Act may serve as a model.

Such legislation is now necessitated by evidence from yesterday's tragic Holocaust Memorial shooting that William Kristol's Weekly Standard may have been a target of suspected killer James von Brunn...
Pretty good, eh?

Jonathan Swift can't touch that!

So good, in fact, that the my deranged far-left progressive hate-blogger stalker W. James "Costanza" Casper = RACIST = Repsac3 actually fell for it, writing a self-douche "gotcha" post at his hell-hole of hate, American Nihilist: "'AmericanNeoCon; Donald Douglas envisions himself the real victim, here... Gimme a friggin' break..."

It was a joke, idiot W. James "Costanza" Casper = RACIST = Repsac3. You fell for it, hard. So STFU. Loser. And I've warned you a million times, stay the f*** away from my comment threads, creepy freak ass stalking criminal!

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