Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Democrats Love David Frum

Newsweek's published the letters to the editor in response to its cover story a couple of weeks back on Rush Limbaugh.

The magazine likely gets hundreds of e-mails and traditional letters in response to each article, and much more than that for pieces that raise hot-button controversies (
as the editors note, for example, "more than 40,000 readers responded to our Dec. 15 cover story, 'The Religious Case for Gay Marriage'").

So one might think that the magazine would publish at least one defense of Rush Limbaugh from a conservative in this week's letters.
But no can do, it turns out. Not only that, they've published two comments from committed Democrats:

David Frum's true conservative voice is sorely needed at this time in our nation's history ("Why Rush Is Wrong," March 16). And even though Frum and I, a lifelong Democrat, would disagree on many issues, I find myself strongly allied with him on the need to reform the Republican Party's intellectual and moral core. By incisively dissecting Rush Limbaugh's diatribes for the inflammatory and counterproductive rhetoric that they are, Frum has called on conservatives everywhere to turn away from the politics of alienation and demagoguery. I hope he proves successful.

Paul Brewer
Grand Rapids, Mich.


I am a liberal, but David Frum's "Why Rush Is Wrong" really struck a chord. Our country, and the Democrats, need a vital, creative Republican Party to offer competitive alternatives to the liberal agenda. I am afraid we will all suffer if Frum's call for a revitalized Republican ideology is ignored. I am at least as amused as anyone by the hole the Republicans are digging for themselves by allowing the public to see Limbaugh as their representative face, but this can't be good for anyone, except Rush and the stations that carry him.

Dave Mollen
Union, N.J.

All six letters are at the link.

As I've noted quite a bit lately, there's lots of debate on the "need" for the Republicans to move to the center. But one of the most longstanding rules of partisan politics is that you never let the opposition define your agenda and identity. What better indicator is there of the stupidity of "
progressive Republicans" than the fact that the DEMOCRATS LOVE DAVID FRUM!

It'd be astonishing if it wasn't so predictable. Man, we need more outlaws ...

See also, The Fix, "Limbaugh An Issue in New York Special" (via Memeorandum).

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