Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Update on Michele Bachmann

This entry updates my earlier post on Michele Bachmann ...

Representative Bachmann's clearly raising the ire of the nihilists at Firedoglake, "Michelle Bachmann, Vigilant Guardian of the Constitution."

Funny how all these Bush/Cheney Republicans have suddenly discovered there's this thing called "the Constitution," isn't it?

A friend who speaks wingnut tells me this is good old right-wing/Bircher/Evil Federal Reserve/One World Government paranoia, as Bachmann later hints at with her weird question about an "international monetary standard." But I think she's just an idiot.
Previously Firedoglake posted a Photoshop of Ms. Bachmann with Nazi paraphernalia. We're seeing nothing less than a campaign by hardline radicals to personally destroy Michelle Bachmann, not unlike the left's current program to bankrupt Sarah Palin with endlessly frivilous ethics lawsuits against the Governor and her family.

See also John Hinderaker's comments on Ms. Bachmann, "
Bachmann Quotes Jefferson; STRIB Is Shocked:

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is one of Minnesota's most effective spokesmen for conservatism, so our local media have collaborated with Democrats in trying to defeat her. The most recent attack on Michele arose out of my radio show last Saturday.
See also Representative Bachmann's essay at Townhall, "A Government Power Grab" (via Memeorandum).

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