Monday, March 23, 2009

"Jail the Rich" Protests in San Francisco

Via Gateway Pundit, "jail the rich" demonstrations in San Francisco (from the Chronicle):

Umbrellas mixed with protest signs Saturday in San Francisco, where demonstrators marked the sixth anniversary of the war in Iraq with speeches, chanting and a march up Market Street that stretched about three blocks.

In typical San Francisco fashion, the demonstration, which began at Justin Herman Plaza, attracted support for a broad medley of causes.

Protesters carried signs about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, 9/11 conspiracies, jail time for Wall Street bankers, single-payer health care and Proposition 8, the same-sex marriage ban. There were grandmothers for peace, brass bands for peace and dozens of dogs for peace.

The protest remained peaceful, if slightly soggy, until the main group arrived at Civic Center Plaza. There, scores of pro-Israel protesters waving Israeli flags were waiting for the larger contingent, which included many pro-Palestinian protesters ....

Much of the protest focused on the economic crisis. One man ran through the crowd dressed as a banker, with fake money spilling out of his hat and briefcase. Judy Greenspan, a third-grade teacher in Richmond who recently received a pink slip, led the crowd at Justin Herman Plaza in a chant, "Jail the rich, bail out the poor, stop the foreclosures, stop the war."
The video above chronicles the "police oppression."

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