Friday, May 22, 2009

California Gay Marriage Ruling Due Tuesday

From the Los Angeles Times, "California Supreme Court to Rule on Proposition 8 Tuesday":

The California Supreme Court announced today that it will rule Tuesday on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the November ballot measure that resurrected a ban on same-sex marriage.

The ruling, which will be posted at 10 a.m., will also determine whether an estimated 18,000 same-sex marriages will continue to be recognized by the state.
The Court is expected to uphold the intitiative. It's the gay radical backlash that's going to be interesting:

Image: Day of Decision:
LGBT people and our allies anxiously await the California Supreme Court decision either affirming or rejecting the hateful anti-gay Proposition 8 ... If we organize every sizeable city to have a "Day of Decision" action, that, in and of itself, will send a powerful message that our community will not sit idly by if the hateful Propostion 8 is allowed to stand."
Hmm ... That sounds familiar. Show trials anyone?

Check back Tuesday. As always, I'll have full coverage ...


UPDATE: This is story is now a thread at
Memeorandum, "State High Court to Rule Tuesday on Prop. 8."

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