Saturday, May 23, 2009

Open Your Hearts and Minds to Abortion!

There's some buzz this morning on Barack Obama's recent statement that the U.S. should "reduce the number of women seeking abortions" but not the number of actual abortions!

Check the links at
Memeorandum for more. But since the debate on torture's also the rage this weekend, check out the tortured logic of this pro-choicer's letter to the editor at the Los Angeles Times:

Whether members of the pro-life movement realize it or not, they now have a president who actually wants to do something about the number of abortions performed in America. However, if they fail to moderate their self-righteous, self- defeating tactics and continue to try to impose their will on those who disagree with them, without discussion or compromise, they will get exactly what they got from eight years of the pro-life-friendly Bush administration -- nothing.

Wake up: President Obama wants to reduce and, to the extent that it is possible, end abortions in America. But it is you who protest so vehemently and yet accomplish so little.

Obama is right; open your hearts and your minds if justice for the unborn is what you really seek.

Eugene Sison

San Dimas

I guess that's the pro-choice version of "Obey Obama!"

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