Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Barack Obama Tinky Winky Poster!

Not a big story, but I got a kick out of this Obama Tinky Winky satire. What's interesting is how blogger Doug Gibson is quick to denounce the "smears," despite Tom Bevan's "SATIRE" flag. As Bevan notes, right at the top::
"SATIRE ALERT: On the heels of the much commented upon Joker poster of President Obama, a new poster has emerged from an another anonymous artist that has people chattering once again...

Bevan's post continues:
Don't be misled. These new posters featuring Barack Obama's face imposed over the likeness of Tinky Winky may appear benign, but they're not.

Their intent is far deeper and insidious: to stir ugly racist thoughts in America's subconscious.
More at the link, and Memeorandum.

What's funny is Doug Gibson's post, "
A More Sinister Obama Poster and Another Dumb Ad":
(UPDATE): I was too hasty posting this and was alerted via an astute reader in a comment that I had neglected to mention that Bevan’s take was satire, which is integral to my take on the issue.

I find it more childish than bigoted, but I am very disturbed at the casual insults directed at our commander in chief via this art, and the willingness of some conservative sites to feature it and even adopt it as a logo.

Look, I disagree more with President Obama than I did seven months ago. I’m disappointed he outsources legislation to political hacks in Congress. But he is an intelligent, thoughtful leader, and an impressive family man. Anyone who watches the First Couple together sees a long-married, middle-aged pair still very much in love who are doing a great job of raising their children. Decency is a requirement for those successes.
Gibson then posts a pathetic anti-tea party ad by the Democratic Senatorical Campaign Committee, "Stop the Mobs!" I love Gibson's Obama-Kool Aid line, indicating how Dear Leader "is an intelligent, thoughtful leader, and an impressive family man."

Yeah, impressive. And decent too. That's why he
votes against Born Alive Infant Protection legislation, right.

Also, Gibson's obviously not a real political blogger, he just plays one online.

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