Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama's Plan for Single-Payer Universal Health

I wasn't going to bother with him. Dr. Ahmadinejad Chavez Biobrain, at my earlier post, "Large Majority Opposes ObamaCare Singe-Payer System!," writes:

Well I guess it's a good thing that Obama isn't proposing that we move to a single-payer system, huh? Or weren't you aware of that, Donald?

If it helps, here's a Health Reform for Beginners post that Ezra Klein wrote back in June. Yes, he's a liberal, but this is just basic stuff that even you can't disagree with. This way, you won't look so stupid when you try to scare people about Socialized Medicine or Single-Payer Systems which aren't under serious discussion.

The link is here.

Dr. Ahmadinejad Chavez not-a-real-doctor-who-posts-cowardly-under-a-pseudonym Biobrain likes calling me a "liar" as well as "stupid." But as
I noted last night:

Dr. Biobrain has yet to prevail in debating me, although he's a glutton for punishment. I've been trying to ignore him lately, though, disgusted as I am with his recent outburst of unspeakable anti-Semitism. It really crosses a line.
That's why I was going to ignore his little slur this evening. But since AOSHQ's got a post up on it, I thought I'd show once again how dumb and dishonest Dr. Biobrain is. See, "Smokin' Video on Obama's Trojan Horse":
The compelling part of this, to me, isn't Obama's or Jan Shakowsky's statements that public option will lead to single payer. We've heard that. The compelling part is that Jacob Hacker, the man who "shopped" this plan to Congress (according to NPR), states unambiguously that his plan -- and he should know -- is expressly designed to displace private insurance.
Yes, "we've heard that." And I know that, or I wouldn't have made such a big deal out of the public's huge repudiation of singler payer. No, some things are self-evident, simply because THAT'S HOW THE DEMOCRATS WORK. They hate choice, individualism, and personal autonomy. That's why Americans are so genuinely mad. They don't like the Democratic oligarchs slamming a top down regime of "Sandmen" technocrats down their throats. This is not a bunch of hippies protesting a war and doing the flower-power bit before finishing college and joining a commodities trading firm. Nope, by now we've seen millions of people, over the course of this year, getting involved in grassroots activism to turn back the the shift to an authoritarian socialist model in the United States.

Ace links to Michael Barone's piece for good measure. See, "
Video Proof: Obama Wants a Single-Payer System". Barone discusses Professor Hacker:

Speaking of the government option in 2008, he says, “Someone told me this was a Trojan horse for single-payer. Well, it’s not a Trojan horse, right? It’s just right there. I’m telling you. We’re going to get there, over time, slowly, but we’ll move away from reliance on employer-based health insurance as we should, but we’ll do it in a way that we’re not going to frighten people into thinking they’re going to lose their private insurance. We’re going to give them a choice of public and private insurance when they’re in the pool, and we’re going to let them keep their private employer-based insurance if their employer continues to provide it.”

Of course there’s no guarantee employers will. Many employers, single-payer advocates hope, will be happy to let their employees go onto the government plan. The Lewin Group, cited often by various analysts, estimates that a government-option plan, depending on how the law is written, could move as many as 100 million households off private insurance and onto the government plan in a few years.

Obama has never made his ultimate goal a secret; it’s the same as Schakowsky’s and Hacker’s. The video shows him saying in October 2003, when he was running for the U.S. Senate, “I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer health care program.” He adds, “We may not get there immediately,” noting the Democrats must “take back” the White House and both houses of Congress — a condition fulfilled last Jan. 20.

Campaigning for president in May 2007, he says, “But I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately.” That seems to imply that his goal remains the same as it was in 2003. “There’s going to be potentially some transition process — I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out, where we’ve got a much more portable system.” Which of course government health insurance would be. You couldn’t get away from it. The president’s defenders depict this video and others like it as a patchwork of irrelevant and misleading statements. They also cite Obama’s oft-repeated pledges that any health care bill he would sign would let you keep the insurance you have. They don’t address the point, raised by Hacker, that you can’t keep it if your employer stops offering it.
There you have.

crystalizes what's been floating around all year. And so, back to Dr. Ahmadinejad Chavez Biobrain.

The guy's an accountant by occupation, but he's also a Democratic Party hack and was an alternate delegate during last year's primaries (for "The One," if I'm not mistaken). In other words, like the Dear Leader, Biobrain's ideological and political program is to lie, intimidate, and spread disinformation. That's what leftists do. They'll call you stupid, then bail out from the scene of the crime. Dr. Biobrain will go to work tomorrow, scamming his clients with bogus actuarial expertise, then come back here tomorrow and start up another mini-flamewar.

Good thing AOSHQ wrote on this. Saved me some time that I otherwise wouldn't have invested debunking Dr. BioDenialist one more time.

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