Monday, August 10, 2009

TBogg Mainstreams More Racism on the Democratic-Left

We have, once again, TBogg mainstreaming racism on the Democratic-left.

Here's this from earlier today, "
“Oh my God, they killed beat Kenny! …You bastards!”:

Shorter Andrew Breitbart:

Lo, though you may beat upon us and refer to us using a term for a vulgar sexual practice that my wife totally will not do no matter how much I beg, we shall rise up again just like Kenny Gladney (although not in a wheelchair) for now he has given our movement a name: we are The Gladbaggers. Look upon our works, ye mighty MSM, and stop your giggling.

TBogg's getting a rise out of trashing Kenneth Gladney with sick racism and vulgar sexual slurs. Previously, "Kenneth the Teabagging Drama Queen." Interacting with his commenters, TBogg posts the "Wheelchair Stevie" image. The "nigger" jokes start immediately at the comments:

* House v. Field.

I like the Joe Plumber reference. But, I was thinking that he may be the Rosa Parks of the Teabagging movement.

Five seconds of shirt-pulling handbags and he turns into that kid from Malcolm in the Middle?
And then from another TBogg post,"Palin/Joe the Plumber/Jindal/Santelli/Taitz/Gladney 2012!":

* You have to look very closely to notice that Not Atticus’s lips are moving when the dummy talks. Great ventriloquist routine!

In my postracial America, the fact that this idiot is black doesn’t mean jackshit ‘coz he’s still a freaking idiot! That’s postracialism I can believe in–just like I don’t care if MM is Asian, she still needs to STFU.


Hunh? Oh. Sorry
Next, check over at Daily Kos, "Alleged St. Louis Attack Victim" Has No Health Insurance."

* There he is fighting for truth, justice and corporate America and he himself cannot afford Health Insurance. He'll be worshiped as a "real Amurican" who toughs it out and knows his "place" the bottom of the ladder looking up, where he'll never be.

* Allow me to indulge ... a mean-spirited speculation here. Kenny was just laid off. He sees the success that Everyman RW poster children have garnered, especially those of color. One encounter with union thugs, and he now has a lawyer (thought it was only lefties who were lawsuit-happy?) and a begging bowl.

Is he looking to be a black Joe-the-Plumber?

Is he busy interviewing publicists and agents as we speak?

Note that Gladney is coverered by his wife's health insurance and he was unemployed, not laid-off. See Gateway Pundit, "Figures... Leftists Hurl Racist Insults at Black Man After Horrible Beating," and "FACT vs FICTION: Kenneth Gladney Corrects the Leftist Lies About the SEIU Attack That Put Him In the Hospital (Video)."

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