Friday, August 7, 2009

The Democrats’ Hypocritical Demonization of ObamaCare Protesters

I'm looking over all of this morning's commentary on the healthcare town halls. I'm tickled at the various reactions from Democrats to the citizens' uprising that we're witnessing. Paul Krugman, try as he might, ends up calling ObamaCare protesters "racist." Let's call Krugman's take the Ivy League version of Janeane Garofalo's infamous excoration, "This is racism straight up."

But Neo-Neocon's got a balanced take on all of this, from the perspective of, "Hey, I'm might be a little upset too if the Democrats were trying to screw me under." See, "The Democrats’ Hypocritical Demonization of Health Reform Protesters":

It’s a tried and true method of political posturing: demonizing the opposition. It’s been especially popular with the Obama administration and the Pelosi-Reid Congress.

But if I were a moderate Democrat or an independent, one who had voted for Obama but was now feeling some wariness about the health care reform bill, how would I react to these sorts of statements by the Democratic National Committee? I believe the answer would be: with increasing distrust and resentment.

That’s because, although I would concede that some of the town hall agitators are probably exactly as described by the DNC, I would also very likely know quite a few persons in the real world who are just as angry about the current health care reform bill as those seen in the videos of the town hall meetings. And I would know that those people I’m acquainted with are not paid operatives. I might not even consider them especially extreme in their views. In fact, I might share some of their deep concerns about the bill as written — including the fact that it’s so long and complex and ever-changing that I’m not really sure what it contains right now, and I’m not sure my representative knows, either.

I might be angry at the idea that the member of the House or Senate who represents me is likely to have failed to even read the bill yet and may not plan to, and that Obama’s press secretary
hedged when asked whether President Obama has read it or intends to do so. And I might even be angry about “the agenda for change” currently being implemented, thinking it’s not exactly what I thought “the president was elected to bring to Washington.”

Read the whole thing at the link.

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