Friday, August 7, 2009

It Looks Like They Are About to Bust into 'Springtime For Hitler'

From the comments at a 2007 Christy Hardin Smith essay at FDL, "Bush Budget A Joke?":
It looks like they are about to bust into “Springtime For Hitler.”
Also, Democratic Underground has a compilation of the "Best of 'BusHitler'":

“Bushitler” (George W. Bush comparable to Adolf Hitler).
So folks can excuse me for laughing at teh stupid at Firedoglake right now, "The Other":

We live in a culture where one side is led by rational accommodationists who want to get along and the other, smaller side, led by a delusional, angry, id who want the majority to surrender. Millions of people "hoped", if nothing else, the tenor of politics would be improved only to find that racist, bigoted messages and implications to violence are more prevalent and more tolerated: Steve Pearlstein of the Washington Post:

Health reform is a test of whether this country can function once again as a civil society -- whether we can trust ourselves to embrace the big, important changes that require everyone to give up something in order to make everyone better off. Republican leaders are eager to see us fail that test. We need to show them that no matter how many lies they tell or how many scare tactics they concoct, Americans will come together and get this done.

If health reform is to be anyone's Waterloo, let it be theirs.

Yeah. Right.

See also, "The Democrats’ Hypocritical Demonization of ObamaCare Protesters."

More at Memeorandum.

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