Monday, August 3, 2009

Robert Stacy McCain is All Over 'Gryphen' Smear Campaign on Palin

Robert Stacy McCain has been putting his inside reporting skills to good use in breaking open the Palin divorce-smear story. Not only are the latest attacks on Sarah Palin demonic in their attemps to destroy the from GOP vice-presidential candidate, they're almost hillarious in their rank idiocy.

Check Robert's story, "
CNN Bozo Accidentally Outs His Source; Palins Threaten LegalActionOn Divorce Smear":

An attorney for Sarah Palin has delivered a letter threatening legal action against an anti-Palin blogger who was the source of a divorce rumor that the attorney for the former Alaska governor called "categorically false."

Publication of the letter at a Web site that repeated the rumor has uncovered circumstantial evidence that the anti-Palin blogger "Gryphen" is a kindergarten teacher at an Anchorage elementary school.

Saturday, the rumor that Todd and Sarah Palin were divorcing created an online uproar. CNN stringer/anti-Palin blogger Dennis Zaki published a thinly-sourced "news" item asserting that "multiple sources" had confirmed the rumor first published by "Gryphen" at his Immoral Majority blog.

Zaki obtained a copy of a letter from Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein, ordering "Gryphen" to retract the allegations -- calling them "complete fabrications, false and defamatory" -- or face legal action. The Van Flein letter, published by Zaki with the name of the recipient blacked out, ended with this sentence ...


Dan Riehl has more, "Is This Sarah Palin's Gryphen?"

There's so much to this story!

I'm going to read around a bit and write new post, but will add the updates here ...

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