Monday, August 3, 2009

Why the Obama Birth Certificate Story Won't Go Away

Steve Benen has a new post up attacking those who want the truth about Barack Obama's birth, "They'll Never Stop" (via Memeorandum):
Last week, Hawaii's health director apparently checked the president's birth certificate again, and discovered that Obama was, in fact, born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, and "is a natural-born American citizen." A nutty right-wing website, however, produced an obviously-fake document purporting to show that Obama was born in the "Republic of Kenya" in February 1964.
The problem, actually, is that the "birth certicate" has never been formally released. The public's only seen the "certificate live birth," and there's a real difference.

I posted on this last night, "
Obama's Kenyan Birth, or Indonesian Citizenship? Shoot, I Can't Keep Up With This Stuff!"

I got a couple of responses, from RaDena at
Blasting Caps and Dynamite and Stogie at Saber Point. Also, just now Dave at Dave's Notepad made a comment.

My position is pretty much captured by Doug at Political Pistachio, "
Responding to Critics of Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate" (with minor edits):
I don't know if Obama was born in Hawaii, Kenya, or on the moon. I wasn't there. I will not take a position that states I know for sure Obama is ineligible for President of the United States. That said, the reason I entertain the possibility that he is not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States is not primarily driven by the spurts of evidence, but by Obama's response to the challenge. His response to the accusations has been to seal all of his records, spend $900,000 on defending himself, and to refuse supplying documentation to verify eligibility and be done with it.

A man with nothing to hide does not take these kinds of actions.

This issue is not just about birth certificates and the U.S. Constitution, but about the honesty, integrity, and character of Barack Obama. I believe he fails on all counts ...

Go to Political Pistachio, here. Doug also runs a popular Blog Talk program as well, here.

Also, from a few days ago, see Hot Air, "Poll: 28% of Republicans don’t believe Obama was born in America? Update: Skeptics mostly southern."

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