Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Democrats Use Stevens Tragedy to Wish Death on Palin

It's pretty awful, but no surprise whatsoever. Full post at Conservatives for Palin:

This is just a small sampling of the sort of hatred that the left and the Democrats dished out towards Governor Palin and her family in response to the nation losing one of it's most well-known senators. It is to their shame that nobody on their side has displayed the sort of leadership it would take to get that kind of hatred under control within their ranks. I do believe they are spiraling into a very dark place because nobody told them to STOP! Knock it off! No, nobody on their side calls them out at all. It is accepted behavior therefore they have allowed that hate to fester and grow.

This is who these people are. These are not marginal freaks. This is the mainstream of the Democratic Party. I report this stuff all the time.

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