Friday, August 20, 2010

The Islamic Response to Pamela Geller

And this isn't Pamela's first death threat from Ibn Ali al-Turki, a.k.a, IslamicJihadi (background here).

The context is Pamela's entry yesterday, "Washington Post Headline Incites Violence Against Ground Zero Mosque Opponents." It turns out that Michelle Boorstein of the Washington Post changed the headline of the recent article on Pamela and Robert. I commmented on it previously, although I didn't see the original title: "In flap over mosque near Ground Zero, conservative writers gaining influence." That was changed to "The pens of anti-Muslim conservatives impact N.Y.C. mosque debate mightily." And that's likely to incite jihadis to violence, the kind threaten above obviously with the Ibn Ali al-Turki. Pamela post Robert's letter to Ms. Boorstein of the Post:

Ms. Boorstein

Your article was silly and stupid enough as it was originally, especially with your misuse of my words about being deliberately provocative at the end, and your lazy repetition of the falsehood that Pamela Geller promoted the idea that Barack Obama is the son of Malcolm X.

But the new headline labeling us "anti-Muslim" is not just silly and stupid; it is malicious, libelous, and dangerous to us personally.

"Anti-Muslim" is a term that Islamic supremacists and their Leftist enablers like to use of people who are fighting for human rights against Sharia -- and it's easy to see why: it frames their opponents as "bigots" and "haters," takes the focus away from their anti-woman, anti-free speech, anti-free thought, anti-equality of rights agenda, and has the added bonus of stirring up their more bloody-minded coreligionists to violence.

And above all, despite the promiscuous Goebbels-style Big-Lie application of the term to Pamela Geller and me by the likes of Honest Ibe Hooper of Hamas-linked CAIR and his tool Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, it simply isn't true. I am not "anti-Muslim." I am anti-Sharia, anti-jihad, anti-oppression, anti-terror, and you should be also.

I ask you to have the decency to correct this headline.

Robert Spencer

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