Wednesday, August 18, 2010

'He's a Kind of a Spokesman For a Post-American World, and We Think He Represents an Important Piece of the Puzzle For Us'

That's Time Managing Editor Richard Stengel on the announcement that Fareed Zakaria will leave Newsweek to join Time Magazine as a contributing editor.

There is no "Post-American" world, of course. Or at least not outside of the ideological constructs of the Beltway media elite. As noted recently, international theory expects a continued long reign of American dominance in the international realm (see, "
Do States Ally Against the Leading Global Power?"). The U.S. is not as preponderant as it once was, but to speak of a "Post-American" era is about as meaningful as the notion, from just a few years back, of "The Rise of the European Superstate" (to rival American power). How's that working out?

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