Saturday, August 21, 2010

Right. Right. They're Moderate Muslims. Got It...

Folks apparently have the goods on Imam Rauf (as if we didn't already). See, "Unmosqued: Steve Emerson Unearths Tapes of 'Moderate Bridge-Building' Imam Rauf" (via Memeorandum). The dude's down with Wahhabism (Islam's al Qaeda brand), Israel extermination, and 9/11, but hey, no need to quibble over the details:
Obama and the MFM staked the entirety of their credibility and judgment on the assertion that this was a moderate man interested only in peace, and of course in no way a supporter of terrorism, and anyone who suspected otherwise was an ignorant bigot with a heart full of hatred.

So let's see. Let's see.

Let's see whose judgment was sound and whose judgment was really full of ignorance and hatred -- hatred for the concerns of their fellow Americans.

CONTENT WARNING (Bare Naked Islam):

RELATED: At Political Byline, "The Classless Left: Exhibit S for Stupid" (on John Cole, whose blog Balloon Juice is the new sponsoring home for failed intimidation blogger E.D. Kain.)

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