Monday, August 16, 2010

The Ugly, Pockmarked, Troop-Hating Face of the Anti-War Left

What a post, from Sister Toldjah at RWN:
Anti-war types like to claim they "support the troops but not the war." I don't think so, not when you consider how what they do almost always has negative, disastrous consequences for the those who volunteered to serve and to, in effect, take a bullet in the battlefield for all us back home in the name of freedom, even the contemptible armchair nitwits who have made it their mission to make their lives a living hell - at the risk of either injury and/or death. So no, these so-called "peace lovers" don't support the troops, and they certainly do not give a rip about "peace." They are the enemy. And I see very little difference in that type of enemy and the in-your-face enemy our troops face on the battlefield.

Pfc. Bradley Manning, Atheist Gay Loner, Hailed as Antiwar Hero in Criminal WikiLeaks Case."

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