Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Victor Can 'Rot in Hell' While Ross 'Pulls Out Even When He Masturbates' — Just Samples of Yesterday's Leftist High Brow Blog Commentary...

Freaks. Yeah, but standard on the left.

Instaputz literally wishes death upon Victor Davis Hanson (for his comments on Hugh Hewitt's), and TBogg uses disgusting sexual slurs to attack Ross Douthat for his commentary on gay marriage.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Perhaps next we'll see
Nobel Prize Winner Paul Krugman blog Representative Paul Ryan in blackface? (Jane Hamsher's never been honored in Oslo, so no doubt a Krugman turn at that kind demonology will lend leftists even greater credibility with the genre.)

RELATED: "The Smart vs. the Dumb." And, "Fire Paul Krugman. Now."

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