Friday, August 13, 2010

World's Worst Blogger Advocates Lying in Policy Advocacy

Doug Ross calls him the "world's dumbest blogger." I like worst, actually, as in "The. World's. Worst. Blogger." But also the most dishonest. As Doug noted in March:
The modern, radical left Democrat Party, and its sycophants like Yglesias, are cynical, intellectually dishonest and completely, utterly at odds with our founding, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Well, yeah, let's just stay with Yglesias, who is a goldmine of moral bankruptcy.

The Daily Caller's piece is up on Yglesias' call for intellectual dishonesty (lying) in policy advocacy: "
Liberal blogger Matt Yglesias advocates lying on Twitter." Read the whole thing. I'll just jump to the conclulsion:
In concluding his interview with The Daily Caller, Yglesias said “go fuck yourself” and hung up the phone.


Actually, I caught this debate in real time on Twitter this morning. Check Mark Hemingway's link, and this one especially.

Matthew Yglesias is blogging fail.

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