Tuesday, September 21, 2010

'Sanctimonious Bigots' – Leftist Professors and Double Standards


I doubt that's a strong enough condemnation, but hey, there's no anti-Semitism on the left, right? There are two links, at Beltway Confidential, "Prof calls fellow academics ‘sanctimonious bigots’," and FrontPage Mag, "Leftist Professors and Double Standards."

After Dr. Fred Gottheil found an anti-Israel petition signed by "900 Academics" he decided to conduct a similar project: launching a " Statement of Concern," an academic petition "expressing concern about human rights violations in the Muslim Middle East, such as honor killing, wife-beating, female genital mutilation, and violence against gays and lesbians ..." Professor Gottheil, who teaches economics at the University of Illinois, was completely ignored. He didn't hear from anyone. He chalks up the double-standard to the usual suspects: anti-imperialism and not a little bit of anti-Semitism. And he concludes at the FrontPage interview:
The academic leftists are caught in an ideologically discriminatory trap of their own making. It turns out that with all their professing of principle, they are sanctimonious bigots at heart. And some are so obsessed about Israel that they would undermine their own self interest. Witness the faculty in gender studies who signed the anti-Israel petition but didn’t sign my “Statement of Concern” which is about discrimination of women, gays, and lesbians in the Muslim Middle East. Sort of pathetic, actually.

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