Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's Come to This: Progressives Reduced to Racist Slurs Against American Power

My good friend Matt Cassens suggested I ignore these people. But sometimes you have to stand up to the hatred. It was a bit much, all the nasty and genuinely evil attacks launched at Sadly No! Progressives put up over 1000 comments over there, each seemingly more vile and potentially violent. Readers have seen my responses, so folks know I don't buckle to these empty shells imitating humanity. I noted previously that the Sasquatch blogging initiated at JBW's, and was picked up by BJ Keefe. Even LGM and TBogg joined in. A badge of honor in some respects. Over the target, and all that.

Still, while I'm normally pretty inured to this stuff, it's amazing that after actually attempting to engage Brendan at BJ Keefe in an exchange of ideas, I come back to find
this comment left later at that entry:


My last name is Douglas. My first is Donald. Both Scottish and Gaelic. As my family name, the origins are found on my father's side. But since my father was black, it's likely that Douglas derived from my father's family's slave background. He was born in Missouri and his immediate genealogy going back a few generations included slave ancestors. My father was a proud man. But my father, born in 1913, battled much bigotry in his life. He didn't speak of it often. But at times stories did come out, not unlike stories folks ofter hear of life under Jim Crow. I think it made him bitter, and up until the day he died he never did fully let go of some of it. I'm proud of my background. But my own struggles with racial identity aren't something that I talk about often. There were bouts of bigotry and racism at times (interracial dating is a difficult thing sometimes, for example), but one doesn't achieve the kind of opportunities in life that I've enjoyed except in a place like the United States. I can't imagine my father's bitterness. That pain is absent in me. That said, you do have to deal with the slights and the slurs occasionally. In this case, with The Pale Scot, I'm actually getting a kick out of it --- it's just too exquisite an example of the oh so common racism that resides just under the top layer of most leftists, and is of course out and proud among the Israel-bashing communists and so forth. "The Pale Scot" apparently worships a white supremacist Scottish lineage, and doesn't see a black man as deserving of the title: "howda a swarthy looking fellow like you end with a fine Scottish name Like Douglas? And a Donald to boot!?" And since this is a pseudonym entered at the comment, it could have been any one of Brendan's regular readers who authored it --- or Brendan himself, since he commented two more times at the post without responding to the slur, nor deleting it. Perhaps exDLB or JBW left the comment. They are both haters, and JBW has enjoyed placing me in subordinate monkey photoshops in the past, so who knows? And I don't really care. All of this matters only to the extent of another revelation of progressive evil. I know where I stand on the issues. I know the moral clarity that is my trademark. Such hatred only strengthens me for the fight ahead. Conservatives are turning the tide against the left, showing that ideology for its bankrupt destruction. So stay with me friends and readers. The journey is long, but always rewarding. Fight for the good and God will be trailing at the rear of your battalions. And that's always good to know, my source of supreme righteousness and confidence.

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