Thursday, October 14, 2010

Deb Frisch, Left-Wing Blogger/Stalker, Mounts New Attacks on Goldstein Family

This is an old blogspheric story (here, here, and here). Former University of Arizona Adjunct Professor Deborah Frisch stalked Protein Wisdon's Jeff Goldstein, threatening his 2 year old with death and sexual molestation. But threats have picked up for Jeff, with some new and simply insane stalking and threats on his family. See, "Redundancy [updated x12 (now with fresh Thursday crazy!)]." Check the whole thing. This is truly unreal. It's amazing that this person remains at large. Posts at Frisch's blog go up and then almost immediately are taken down, only to go up again later, and then repeat. One entry attacked Jeff's mother and posted her picture and contact information at the blog. Deb Frisch trolled through phone books and cold called until she got Goldsteins' mom on the phone, "The Snatch That Hatched Count Cockula":


That post was taken down, but there's yesterday's entry, still up as of Noon October 14, 2010, "Doris the Diddler":

Hello, is this Doris Goldstein?


Do you have a grandson Satchel in Denver?

Yes. Who is this?

I'm a reporter from San Francisco doing an article on Count Cockula.


Jeffrey Todd Goldstein. Do you know him?

Yes, he's my son.

Was he obsessed with his penis as a small child? Did you diddle him, ma'am?

Who is this?

That's what Jeff's mom had to deal with, and it's still going on.

The scale and horror of this unmitigated evil is unfathomable.There's nothing more contemptible than going after your family. I've been stalked and harassed by the enemies of moral right. One of the Sadly No! demons continues the recent assualts on American Power, and has been e-mailing me with ugly slurs and threats at both my private and college e-mail addresses. Earlier, I had both David Hillman (The Swash Zone) and E.D. Kain (Balloon Juice) contact my college in multiple campaigns of workplace intimidation and harassment. American Nihilist was a co-conspirator in this workplace intimidation, and that blog routinely post vicious attacks on me, so vile as to make the likes of Deb Frisch proud. And Scott Eric Kaufman continues his campaign of threats against my employment with an endless stream of deranged libelous accusations. And of course there's the moral relativists at the Gay Teen Forum who have been frequenting my blog and flooding the comments. Alex Knepper's pedophilia story is especially freaky in that I have two young sons. It does hit close to home sometimes.

It's just nastly out there --- there is genuine evil in the world. The left is clinically insane, viciously intolerant, and demonstrably violent. And God help anyone who threatens my family.

And to my friends and long time readers: Stay well and care for your loved ones. The enemies of freedom have been on the march, and even amid the conservative resurgence the dregs of Satan continue their predations. And never forget: This is what conservatives face on a daily basis.

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