Thursday, October 14, 2010

Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg Walk Off After Bill O'Reilly Says 'Muslims Killed Us on 9/11' — Heads Explode at Think Progress!

Via Gateway Pundit:
Bravo to Bill O’Reilly for telling it like it is. Today he told Whoopi and Behar that Muslims killed us on 9-11… because Muslims killed us on 9-11. Of course, Behar and Whoopi were so outraged at such a statement they actually walked off the set. Ah yes, what tolerance the left has.

BONUS: From the left-wing Democrat extremists at Think Progress (particularly odious comments highlighted):
After O’Reilly’s Rants About How ‘Muslims Killed Us On 9/11!’ Goldberg And Behar Walk Off Stage

well good job, better yet you should have made him leave!!!!

but bill the dill will think this is a victory!!


This is how every pundit and politician that lies and spews misinformation should be treated, they should be mocked and ridiculed, even if like O'Reilly they feel no shame.


They should have replied "Saudi Arabians killed us on 9/11".

Good for them walking off.


And they should have reminded the idiot that he works for the Saudis!


Good on you, ladies!


O'Reilly is something else. Shameful performance. That outburst was akin to his rants about Dr. Tiller.


The 'culture warrior' is culturally illiterate.


They should have turned off his microphone and the lights as he does when someone doesn't cowtow to his obscene rants of hate on his worthless show. I saw him do it once in 2002 and haven't watched him since.


This is where the English language is so pitifully inadequate for people such as O'Reilly.

Muslims did and did not kill "us" on 9/11.

Extremist Muslims killed people on 9/11. O'Reilly is not part of the group that died, nor did every Muslim join the fight to kill innocent people on 9/11.

I'm not expecting any sort of apology out of O'Reilly here, but I ask that he, for his own good, clarify his statement. If he refuses to, it will just show just how close-minded he can be with the English language.


Dear Barbara Walters,
It is impractical to expect people to entertain bigots. Walking away IS the best solution to such idiocy.


I wonder what the blond christofascist Elizabeth Hasselbeck was jumping up and down about.


Hell Mr. O'Reilly we were attacked by MEN! We should ban all males over 18 from the WTC site. What a f---ing propagandist hack.


This is a good thing. I think sometimes these guys get so used to their environment on FOX that they forget what the real world is like. It's good that these views are getting air time on more widely seen venues. Folks like O'Reilly don't realize that the majority of people don't share their views outside the studios of FOX.


I spent over twenty years of my life supporting and defending the Constitution.. including the right to freedom of speech....
but O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh and all the other anti-USA hate speech azzhats out there should be told to STFU or go to jail for sedition and inciting violence.

Republicans are enemies of the United States


Once again, Bill O'Really has proved he is still a Scum Sucking piece of Sh!t.....he never disappoints.


People like Bill-0 who act is if they speak for all Americans are douche-bags! Of course I speak only for myself


Saying that "Muslims" killed Americans on 9/11/2001 is comparable to saying that "Christians" burn crosses to intimidate others. Most Christians would be appalled to be compared to members of the KKK, and most Muslims are appalled when compared to the monsters who hijacked planes and flew them into crowded buildings.

Of course, there are people who aren't interested in facts, nor are they interested in intelligent debate. They merely want to scream their bigotry and close their ears to reason. There is no way to convince them of anything other than their current mindset. O'Reilly is one of these people. The only way to deal with them is by removing oneself from their presence, as Whoopi and Joy did.


WTF ! Who keeps giving lunatic O'Reilly air time which equates into some credibility????
Big mouth bully O'Reilly is a proven evil extremist Bigoted Hate monger who is a disgrace of a human being and should be treated as a dangerous. poisonous snake.


WTF ! Who keeps giving lunatic O'Reilly air time which equates into some credibility????
Big mouth bully O'Reilly is a proven evil extremist Bigoted Hate monger who is a disgrace of a human being and should be treated as a dangerous. poisonous snake.


I'm sorry but Barbar WaWa is wrong; you cannot have a conversation with someone that refuses to look at the common sense facts before them. To say the terrorists attack was an attack by Muslims is to say that the McVeigh attack was an attack by Christians. To label and entire people, race, creed or religion because of the acts of one, two or even 50 people is beyond stupid, but then prejudice is exactly that - beyond stupid.


Still waiting to hear what poll Bildo cited as having 70% of Americans opposing the cultural center at 51 Park Row, NYC . .


Demonizing Muslims has been a boon in promoting the military occupations of countries whose resources we covet .

The Muslims are to the American fascist what the Jews were to the Nazis !

Who exactly in either party is opposing militarism by our nation abroad , a nation which spends as much as the entire planet combined on it's so called defence ?


That is just plain hateful.


Billy O'Really is nothing more than a "HATE MERCHANT", that's all he will ever be, because that's all he have ever been. His viewers tune in each day to get their 'Daily Dose' of Hate, like a run of the mill crack addict.

His "PRODUCT" is consuming him like a Cancer


I just watched the whole segment.

Billdoh O'liely IS the pinhead, as Barbara Walters suggests at the close, "Maybe it is you who is the pinhead."

Joy and Woopie came back AFTER Barbara made him apologise for his bigoted statement against ALL Muslims.

And Hasselback was quick to DEFEND O'Liely by saying that Obama, early on in his term, refused to use the word "TERRORIST" and instead said terms like Muslim extremists or radical Islamists and THAT is why people now closely align Muslims with terrorists.

Yea, right Liz... Bigots R-U!


We have all the evidence we need to prove that Zionist crackpots are responsible for 9/11. Everything has been prepared but the gallows.


The fact that individuals like this can spew bigotry and claim righteousness is disgusting.

Love that cognitive dissonance from the crowd as well in the ensuing moments


This is a choice between whether we want to be grownups or whiny children, whether we want to accomplish a goal or just stomp and scream and get attention (and make some megabucks doing it).

Any thoughtful observer, and many who have spoken out on the subject, knows that having responsible, modern, moderate Muslims come to the forefront in America and help us all to understand their point of view and way of life is going to work out much better in the end that having the screamers dominate the scene. From everything I read, the New York mosque would be a blessing to the community... already is, in fact. Wanna have it replaced with half a dozen hysterical bloodthirsty madrasas teaching kids to live only to die for hate?

Face it, if a significant number of them are totally alienated, to the extent of wishing us dead and working to make it so, we are doomed, or at least in for a miserable existence. We should be joining with the (so far) great preponderance who are sensible, peace-loving people and trying to move forward, not listening to the haters who only want to stir up more trouble, mostly for their own benefit....


Tim McVeigh. Isn't that an Irish name, just like O'Reilly? Oh my God, the Irish bombed the Murrah Federal Building! And as I typed that, I remembered "I.R.A.," Irish Republican Army. I believe they were also involved in some terroristic acts.


OMG Muslims killed people on 9/11, O'Reilly is so wrong, we all know it was Presbyterians from Sweden that did the dirty deed.


I am so sick and tired of hearing about how 70% of Americans don't want the Community Center located where it is planned to go. Let me make this clear, The Bill of Rights is not subject to majority opinion. Period.

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