Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mainstreaming Genocidal Insanity? Pamela Geller in the New York Times

Digby's a bit jealous:
I've been following Atlas Shrugged since 2005. If anyone would have told me then in five years she'd be heading a national anti-Muslim movement and would be profiled in the NY Times, I would have thought it was a joke. She was always at the very fringe of the hysterical war bloggers, set apart from the worst genocidal hatemongers only by her pulchritudinous crudity. In this insane political period, she's thoroughly mainstream. Wow. Just wow.
It's ugly jealousy, that's for sure. The post's URL reads "mainstreaming-genocidal-insanity."

Digby suspects Pamela Geller wants to round up Muslims for the camps? That's a little much, and no doubt Pamela's wall-to-wall Sunday coverage was too. Pamela's havin' a huge impact (I'm sure King Charles dropped a load as well). I saw the Times' write up early Saturday, so it took a little while to make the blog cycle. Pamela repudiated the report, saying "It is full of distortions, inaccuracies and lies from beginning to end." She liked the interview, however, which was published separately. See Atlas Shrugs, "
The New York Times: Outraged, Outrageous and Unhinged."


She not dissing the publicity, in any case. And who would? "Wall-to-Wall Atlas in The New York Times."

And here's Pamela at the 9/11 SIOA rally, and my photo-essay: "
Faith, Freedom, and Memory: Report From Ground Zero, September 11, 2010."


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