Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Michael Tracey, Editorial Intern at The Nation, Blows Off Evidence of Alex Knepper Pedophilia as 'Trivial Bunk' - UPDATED!!

Alex Knepper's been laying kinda low this last couple of days, following the explosive evidence of his tendencies toward pedophilia. Alex tweeted yesterday that he'd have a "Statement forthcoming that will put all of this in its proper context." And he tweet this morning that his statement is delayed because "I'm in talks."

Considering the evidence that's been collected on Alex Knepper's pedophilia, particularly his long series of morally repugnant and possibly criminal postings on gay teen message-boards, it's hard to phathom that anyone would want to negotiate these issues over "talks." Seriously. Knepper needs some time off. A long time. Possibly behind bars.

And David Frum needs to fire Alex Knepper. The most recent figure to call for Knepper's termination is Erick Erickson, at Red State, "
David Frum and the Limits to Deviancy":
What makes this relevant, despite its sordid nature, is NewsReal Blog having tipped off Frum to his employee’s behavior and other conservative sites giving this Alex Knepper character a forum. You’d like to think that had they known of his predilections, they would not.

Ironically, when I mentioned this on Twitter, the only people who spoke up in the guy’s defense were some of the more rabid socialists defending the guy’s “refreshingly unconventional conservatism,” which is to say he is not a conservative at all.

Not conservative at all. With the exception of the
faux-conservatives at FrumForum, the only support for Alex Knepper is coming from the extremist fringes of the radical left, including Michael Tracey, editorial intern at The Nation:


And leftists are supposed to represent some "reality-based community"? I guess the reality is that, for socialists, there's no traditional moral standard worth preserving these days. As Erick Erickson indicates:

If we are to accept that Alex Knepper is 20 and therefore a kid, we should not treat this kid as any sort of authority on any vein of conservatism. If we accept he is an adult and we should engage on his thoughts, then we must recognize that his behavior is outside the bounds of acceptable conduct and he should not be rewarded while engaging in perverse behavior.

There is no place in normal society for this — no place at all.
RELATED: "Why is FrumForum Featuring the Internet’s Foremost Defender of Perverts?"


UPDATE: Dave Swindle sends along this response:
"I spent over an hour yesterday on the phone with Michael Tracey explaining the evidence, our motivations for publishing the story, and the background. He struck me as sincere in wanting to uncover the truth, a decent human being, and in no way willing to excuse pedophilia. If he writes a story for The Nation I hope he will do so once he has come to a solid conclusion about whether Alex Knepper actually is a pedophile or not."
And David Frum "fires" Alex Knepper with a counter-attack on NewsReal that's simply insane: "About Alex Knepper."

I'll have some my thoughts on this later this afternoon.

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