Saturday, December 18, 2010

Eminent Domain and the Little Guy

From Glenn Reynolds, at NY Post, "Columbia U. vs. the Little Guy" (via Instapundit):
Part of the American Dream was the expectation that if you started a business, you might go broke but you didn't have to worry about the government seizing your business on behalf of those with more political juice. That sort of thing was for Third World countries, corrupt kleptocracies where connections mattered more than capability.

Not anymore. In fact, some of those formerly corrupt Third World countries have started providing stronger protection for private property, as they've realized that the more power you give to politicians and their cronies, the less incentive people have to try to succeed through hard work. What's the point, if you're at the mercy of the cronies?
Plus, Randy Barnett, at Volokh Conspiracy, "“Rich Bully” Lee Bollinger “is Getting His Way”."

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