Saturday, December 18, 2010

Progressives Attack Sarah Palin's Faith in God

Here's the updated clip featuring Richard Wolffe attacking Sarah Palin's citation of the works of C.S. Lewis. See, The Blaze, "C.S. Lewis Schools Richard Wolffe on Sarah Palin."

The story goes back a couple of weeks. See Cubachi, "Richard Wolffe mocks Palin and C.S. Lewis as just “a children’s author”"

Wolffe seems to think it is clever to mock Palin reading a “children’s author,” while disrespecting one of the greatest authors in literature. Yes, C.S. Lewis is most famous among the pop culture crowd with the movies and sudden ressurgance of The Chronicles of Narnia, which happens to be an allegorical tale of Jesus Christ, who became a human being, and gave His life to save undeserving human beings from the penalty of sin. (Richard Wolffe seems to be in the same boat as Liam Neeson when it comes to not understanding C.S. Lewis’ Christian tales.)

Lewis is also a well-accomplished Christian author who writes novels of human nature in some adult fictional work and essays on Christian faith.
Yet, it's more than progressive ignorance we must address. And it's not just children's books. It's the larger issue that leftists are attacking Palin on the basis of her faith. See, "Palin Criticized for Praying to God, Obama Given a Pass for Playing God."

I'll have more on these issues throughout the day.

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