Monday, April 11, 2011

'Most feminists are feminists because they are marginalized from society to begin with by virtue of being women who aren't attractive'

I've been away from the gender wars for some time, but this shouldn't be missed: "FemCunts."

Jill Filipovic (woman-lawyer hot, manhattanite, woman-lawyer) who blogs for Feministe followed a pingback to my boyfriend’s blog post “Feminism is a Crazy Girlfriend” and tweeted it in mock disbelief. Kate Harding*, a fellow feminist writer who focuses on fat and body issues re-tweeted it [and then] a throng of manginas and single, cat women flocked to the post. I find it amusing that of the three that commented, one is a bearded, beta-male mangina posing with a natural, floral backdrop and the other calls herself “vegina” – a vegan, feminist, academic activist. Fuck.
Man, I'm off my game! This stuff is gold. I'm forwarding to Robert Stacy McCain, who also needs to brush up on his repertoire!

RTWT for the background to the quote at the title. There's something to this attraction hypothesis, but I'd like to see the hard data.

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