Wednesday, April 13, 2011

J. Crew President Paints Son's Toenails Pink

Don't get me started.

Obliterating gender difference is key to the radical left agenda. If gender roles don't matter, then neither do traditional parental roles, child-rearing roles, marriage --- you name it. That's why freak extremists like Racist Repsac3 go for the aggressive demonization should someone call bull on this deviancy.

Cited there is this piece, from Dr. Keith Ablow, "J. Crew Plants the Seeds for Gender Identity":

In our technology-driven world—fueled by Facebook, split-second Prozac prescriptions and lots of other assaults on genuine emotion and genuine relationships and actual consequences for behavior—almost nothing is now honored as real and true.

Increasingly, this includes the truth that it is unwise to dress little girls like miniature adults (in halter tops and shorts emblazoned with PINK across the bottoms) and that it is unwise to encourage little boys to playact like little girls.

If you have no problem with the J. Crew ad, how about one in which a little boy models a sundress? What could possibly be the problem with that?

Well, how about the fact that encouraging the choosing of gender identity, rather than suggesting our children become comfortable with the ones that they got at birth, can throw our species into real psychological turmoil—not to mention crowding operating rooms with procedures to grotesquely amputate body parts? Why not make race the next frontier? What would be so wrong with people deciding to tattoo themselves dark brown and claim African-American heritage? Why not bleach the skin of others so they can playact as Caucasians?

Why should we hold dear anything with which we were born? What’s the benefit of non-fiction over fiction?

Well, the benefit is that non-fiction always wins, in the end. And to the extent that you take flights of fancy into masquerading through life, life will exact a psychological penalty.
And while the regular cultural radicals are shilling for this cultural degeneracy, we also have Doug Mataconis engaging the debate, "Social Conservatives Freak Out Over J. Crew Ad." Doug's libertarian, and he's blogging at Outside the Beltway, ostensibly a conservative blog, but I doubt most parents are down with painting their young sons' toenails hot pink. People of decent morals just know instinctively the dangers in such behavior. And what's bothersome --- no, loathsome --- is to be lectured by the deviants themselves about how "intolerant" are people of old-fashioned morality.

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