Friday, April 15, 2011

Los Angeles Times Disses 'Atlas Shrugged'

Well, I can't say one way or the other until I see it. And I won't see it until tomorrow, since it's playing in L.A., and I'll be doing tea party coverage today. So take LAT's review FWIW from a leftist outlet, "Movie review: 'Atlas Shrugged': Ayn Rand's opus of unfettered capitalism gets a flat screen treatment."

Meanwhile, you know Roger Ebert's gonna hate it, but read it just for the glimpse into the anti-individualist worldview:
So OK. Let’s say you know the novel, you agree with Ayn Rand, you’re an objectivist or a libertarian, and you’ve been waiting eagerly for this movie. Man, are you going to get a letdown. It’s not enough that a movie agree with you, in however an incoherent and murky fashion. It would help if it were like, you know, entertaining?
(Via Memeorandum.) And others aren't holding off until they see it to weigh in negatively. That said, Kurt Loder did see it and was unimpressed --- and he's writing at Reason.

More later ...

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