Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Portland State Muslim Students Association Boots Citizen Vlogger From Public Event

From Gabriella Hoffman:
Our greatest arsenal to expose the truth on campus is to film/capture footage of blatantly hurtful, anti-Semitic, anti-American, etc. things. We must not let anything slide or go unnoticed. If you’re in a public place, especially Library Walk or any free speech zone on campus, you have every right to film whatever lies before you.

Check out this video from a citizen journalist who went to an MSA meeting at Portland State University:

The MSA's organizing is based on lies. They support terrorism and they don't want any scrutiny. I said the same things to Hamzah Baig at UCLA, when he refused pictures, whining about how I was "harrassing" his people. Oh brother. That was just one more lie. It's all lies, like this dungheap of propaganda:
They will learn that Israel, the Jewish state, is a racist, colonialist, imperialist, apartheid country that was born from the "ethnic cleansing" of the perfectly innocent, indigenous Palestinian population that wanted nothing more than to tend their Sacred Olive Groves in peace when militarist Jews marched out of Europe in the middle of the twentieth century and shoved them off of land that their ancestors had lived on for hundreds of thousands of years... from time immemorial.

They will learn that Hamas, a genocidal organization that calls for the slaughter of the Jews and that owes an ideological debt to the Nazis, is actually a moderate organization that was elected by the good people of Gaza because they are not nearly so corrupt as Fatah, which, because it has considered peace with Israel, is clearly a sell-out to the Jews and the Americans... despite the fact that they rejected that peace and continue to incite hatred toward Israelis.

They will learn that of all the nations on Earth only one is worthy of total condemnation, the Jewish nation. They will learn that of all that states on Earth only one should never have come into existence, the Jewish state. They will learn that since the Jewish state should never have come into existence that it must be opposed on every level and eventually dissolved in favor of a 23rd Arab country.

I'm getting sick to my stomach at the ignorance and stupidity of this, and the minds that hate. And this is taking place at our public universities, where we're supposed to be enlightening and enriching. Even worse is that this is America!! God, they're Nazis!! And that's no lie!!

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