Tuesday, April 5, 2011

UCSD Professors Slam Anti-Israel Hostility on Campus

From Bruce Kesler, at Maggie's Farm, "Professors Call BS On Campus Anti-Israel Groups":
At college campuses across the US, student organizations that attack Israel have become more and more active, and obnoxious, over the past decade. The members are drawn from some of the Moslem students and their far leftist companions. Most students are there to get an education, or at least get their degree ticket punched. While there's little evidence these anti-Israel groups have much support, through their activism they load student governments and with their loud voices they usually dominate campus debates.

Over the past year or so, at many campuses Jewish groups have formed to counter this vileness. Others of sound minds have joined in.

The University of California, San Diego is one of the top-ranked academic campuses in the country. This week a group of professors joined together to call BS on the anti-Israel groups.

Dr. David Feifel, a professor at UCSD and Vice President of the UCSD SPME (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East) chapter, wrote a powerful editorial about the hypocrisy on campus relating to the Arab and Muslim students' focus on Israel Apartheid Week and their failure to acknowledge the suffering of the Arabs being murdered for demonstrating for democracy in Arab countries. Shockingly, the UCSD Guardian newspaper after an initial acceptance, at the final hour refused to run the editorial. SPME contacted SDIC [San Diego Israel Coalition, of which I'm a member, a group of about 2500 members who support Israel] and asked for our help, we brought in our partner StandWithUs who generously paid for a full page ad which today featured the editorial with 28 signatures of UCSD Professors.

The editorial is below the fold. It is quite educational, and directly confronts the hypocrisy of the on campus anti-Israel groups for actually not giving much of a darn for oppressed Arabs but, instead being preoccupied with vilifying Israel.

These strong counters need to be spread to every other college campus. Please distribute this post to students and professors at other campuses.

Read the letter at the link.

RELATED: From Gabriella Hoffman, "UCSD Guardian Fails to Uphold Principles of Unbiased Journalism."

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