Monday, March 2, 2009

About that Shortage of Ammunition...

My friend Jan has an interesting post on the shortage of ammunition for firearms, "Ammunition Shortage Nationwide." The post links to Bob Owens at Pajamas Media who notes that:

The 2008 elections that saw the Democratic Party extend their power in both houses of Congress and saw Barack Obama elected president made gun owners very nervous, and with good reason.

We have a president that has favored gun bans and who desires to reinstate the horribly flawed 1994 assault weapons ban authored by our rather dim vice president. We also have radically anti-gun majority leaders in both the House of Representatives and Senate, and a Congress quite willing to pass massive, bloated laws without even bothering to read the contents. Fears of encroachment are certainly warranted ....

Individual shooters are stockpiling thousands of rounds of ammunition because of fears of future punitive taxation or outright bans of certain kinds of ammunition.

It's hardly just public worries about gun rights and public stocks, however. Folks are frankly getting ready to protect themselves for when all hell breaks loose around here.

For example, check out Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, "
Not The Kind of CHANGE! They Had HOPEd! For":

There’s a very good reason that the Magic Marxist Messiah & His Mental Midget Moronic Minions™ are shaking in their recycled plastic wannabe jackboots— They see this kind of response to their New New Deal Stalinist 5-Year Plan.

TALLAHASSEE — People in Florida are fearful of the economic future, and one way they are coping is by buying guns.

It’s not just the “economic future” that has people “fearful“, our good lil’ journaljizmer. There’s a little thing called “personal liberty” that’s being buried faster than Vince Foster’s body.

The state office that issues concealed weapons permits is buried under a backlog of 95,000 applications, and doesn’t have enough money in its budget to do the job. A legislative budget panel is being asked to approve a midyear budget transfer of nearly $4 million to catch up to the demand for permits.

Now there’s some “HOPE!” that you can take to the bank, right there. Dictatorships absolutely hate an armed citizenry and they’ll use every ruse and justification (“It’s For The Chillllllrenz!”, being the meme d’ jour.) to make damned sure that The People don’t have the means to defend and rid themselves of their overlords.

There's more at the link.

I'll have more later ...

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