Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bogus AIG Outrage

Jim VandeHei pulls the mask off the bogus outrage in official Washington over the AIG bonuses now roiling the political system.

The video's a kicker as well, which features President Obama saying how he's "all choked up" about these bonuses. But Martha Zoller at Pajamas Media offers a concise analysis of what's going on after two months of Democratic power:

The Obama administration may once have had solid ground to stand on in its criticism of the Bush financial policies, but no longer. The problem that got us into this mess is still there. The fundamental problems with the housing markets, the credit markets, and the banking system have not been addressed. The administration dealt with what they thought were the easy fixes first, like AIG, and haven’t dealt with the underlying issues. And if you don’t pour the foundation first, the house will not stand.
See also, William Jacobson, "The Wheels Are Falling Off the Obama Administration."

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