Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fats Limbaugh Trailer Trash, or Who is John Galt?

Before I boggle readers' minds with TBogg's post and thread on conservative trailer-park trash, let me preface with this letter to the editor at today's Los Angeles Times, from Kay Santos of Diamond Bar:

I have employed about 50 people during the last 20 years, and my family's taxable income is about $300,000. In order to avoid paying a higher percentage of taxes on all of my income, I will decrease output, lay off some staff and still end up keeping the same amount.

I have no incentive to hire people or expand my business, because the more I make, the more President Obama will take to expand government. This discourages expansion of the private sector. It will backfire with disastrous consequences for all.

It is repulsive that Obama is being allowed to take this country backward by pickpocketing the very people who run the private sector through their energy, money and creativity.
I'm frankly surprised that the editorial mandarins at the Times let Ms. Santos' comments get through. We don't have enough common sense these days when it comes to the brutalizing policies of today's collectivist left, and God forbid the likes of Ms. Santos to spoil the zeitgeist.

Which brings me back to the infamous demonic ridicule machine, TBogg of Firedoglake, and his fever-swamp snark-offering du jour, "
You're in the High Rent District." It turns out TBogg's done a little excavation at Michelle Malkin's comment threads, and he's comes up with what appear to be some beauties from the "high percentage of these high-earning go-getting producers" who habituate the place:

Approximately 2% of the American households make more than $250,000 a year and (you may find this hard to believe) a very high percentage of these high-earning go-getting producers spend their days commenting over at Michelle Malkin's place... when they're not busy flying their Lear jets up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun.
TBogg's Darwinized (or "Galticized", be that as it may) a surviving selection of the best of the best of alleged "trailer-park" commentary at Makin's, so be sure to read the whole post.

What's interesting from my perspective - as an evil "BusHitler" battalion commander of the blogospheric right - are the comments from TBogg's own thread.

Here's this one, from "

The notion of the two-percenters as victims is gonna be a hard sell, but not as hard as the Fats Limbaugh trailer trash as patriots.
And this one, from "Crosstimbers":

They should leave a map for their descendants, so that a thousand years from now, when the nation returns to 1980’s sanity, the offspring can find the hidden cache of Mary Kay products and pick up the life intended by the founders, as if nothing happended.
How about one more, from "Thingwarbler":

If those are the “successful entrepreneurs” who need to be rewarded with mucho moolah for all their brilliant contributions to the capitalist society, then we are well and truly fucked. If, on the other hand, they’re really just the 22nd Gardening & Homeschooling Brigade of the 101st Keyboarders, then it all makes so much more sense.
Well, that's a pretty good sample from the progressive muck, but who knew that some of these folks were previously pulling down "five-figures"?

Of course, over at the academic blog
Crooked Timber, political scientist Henry Farrell, of the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, reflects a bit on the emerging revolt of the John Galt-ers:

I understand that “Dr. Helen” was at C-PAC, putting forward a strong case for ‘going Galt’ on a farm till the nasty Democrats go away. Wasn’t clear whether the world would be denied the intellectual fruits of the Instapundit as part of a package deal or not.
I guess Henry's not a fan of Glenn Reynolds or Pajamas Media, so I guess that's going to scuttle my chances of being included in the esteemed directory of political science bloggers over at The Monkey Cage, where Henry's a co-blogger. I guess "Randian Warmongers!", or at least old-fashioned neocons, need not apply.

See also, "Going John Galt."


UPDATE: Malkin-a-lanche!: "Letter of the day: Disgusted in Diamond Bar."

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