Sunday, March 1, 2009

Janeane Garofalo on Conservatives

I just visited John Hitchcock's post at Common Sense Political Thought, "Liberals Are Racists." Our good friend dove into the fever swamps of the left and came up a bit mucked. I know how it works, as I've crossed over to the nihilist zone many times.

In any case, it seems the creepiness never ends when it comes to leftists "psychoanalyizing" conservatives, as we have here with
this video of Janeane Garofalo, on Keith Olbermann's show, talking about Rush Limbaugh and the GOP:

Others Blogging:
Rhymes With Right, "The Arrogance of the White Liberal."

Democrat = Socialist, "
Our Country is Founded on a Sham ..."

The Great Illuminator, "
Please Janine Garofalo, Tell Me What You Think ... I am Dying To Know!"

Olbermann Watch, "
Red Eye Reams Olbermann, Garafalo for Racist Comments!"

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