Friday, March 6, 2009

Makes You Want to Go John Galt...

The lefties are going crazy over the notion of "going John Galt."

Recall, for example, that
Dr. Helen Smith put out the call to Americans who are cutting their own work output and productivity to avoid the Obama administration's conviscatory tax regime, "Going John Galt? Tell Dr. Helen About It ..."

Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds have been hammering the issue as well.

But get a load of some of the responses to all of this among our nihilist antagonists. Starting off with a bang is Henry Farrell's, "
Wingnuts of the World Unite!", which features "The ‘Go Galt, Go!’ Manifesto":

We proudly salute “Dr. Helen,” Glenn Reynolds, and Michelle Malkin, for identifying the only possible response to Barack Obama’s victory – ‘going Galt.’ By withdrawing their creative and intellectual achievements from the economy and stopping tipping waitstaff, the schmibertarian right can surely bring the parasites and Democrats to their knees. We look forward to these three thought leaders striking the obvious first blow, by refusing to blog for the ungrateful masses and withdrawing to a secret compound until the world capitulates to their demands! Only a universal wingnut blogging strike can bring the moochers to their senses. John Galt lives!
Keep in mind that Henry's an esteemed political scientist at George Washington University, and a Facebook friend to Juan Cole!

Now let's check the left's response to
TigerHawk, and his video, "Who Are These "Rich' People?" over at the YouTube thread:

From "Commieatheist":

Jesus Christ, stop whining, you insufferable asshole. Your top marginal tax rate is being raised 3%. Big fucking deal. Grow a pair of balls and stop crying about how much harder you work than anyone else. Lots of people in this country work hard, but very few make as much money as you do. That's life! I am sick of rich fucks like you complaining about how hard you have it...
From "Rock6191":

Wow. "A face for radio" was my first impression. Then I listened to the words, and I wondered what inspires someone like this guy to open up himself to this sort of ridicule. All Obama is doing is raising the tax on that portion of someone's income that's above $250K. So, if you make $260K, the $10K above 250K is taxed at 38% instead of 33%. That means your tax only goes up 500 bucks. I wonder if this guy participated in some of those teabagging parties last week...
Now here's a response at Daily Kos:

Go live your Randian fantasies, go create that wonderful utopia in which only the most wealthy are permitted entry, and you are not burdened with the outrageous insult of having to contribute back a proportionate share of your income in order to help maintain the very fabric of the nation around you. I can see now that the thought that you might have to pay the same share of your income in taxes that your housekeeper does has drained your already pale blanched, and the thought of having to pay as much in taxes as your wretched mothers and fathers did, a few decades before you, is nothing less than an armed assault on your beachheads.

What fool would suggest we possibly return to the same tax polices that existed under that shameless wealth-stealer and Stalinist, Ronald Reagan? And what insane person would dare seek to treat achievers identically to the lower classes, the people with grubby hands and only one house?
And of course, this isn't all about class war, or so they say.

Glenn Beck's looking more like a prophet all the time...

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